Projects in Getxo – Algorta – Neguri- Las Arenas – Plencia

Are you looking to carry out a comprehensive reform in Getxo, Algorta, Neguri, Las Arenas or Plencia? At ArizagaCr we help you!

Algorta is a neighborhood that belongs to the municipality of Getxo in the province of Vizcaya in the Basque Country, it is the neighborhood with the most inhabitants in the entire Getxo territory with about 40,000 inhabitants.

The main axis of the neighborhood is the subway square where most of the local commerce and road connections to other sectors are located. Algorta has other smaller neighborhoods within its nucleus.

In terms of mobility, the Bilbao metro and the Bizkaibus are its main source, in terms of its architecture, it has three important churches, that of San Ignacio de Loyola, that of San Nicolás de Bari and that of the Santísima Trinidad, it also has with a couple of palaces such as Santa Clara and the Consistorial. We carry out comprehensive reforms and house renovations in Algorta.

The Neguri neighborhood belongs to the municipality of Guecho, which is located in the province of Vizcaya, it is characterized by being an exclusive neighborhood for wealthy people where historically a large part of the bourgeoisie of the Basque country has always lived.

It is located on the seashore and has a classic and elegant architecture, composed of luxurious and imposing palaces, as well as summer houses with beautiful views, the neighborhood was started in 1900 and is largely inspired by English architecture, another attractive is that it is close to the Vizcaya bridge. If you are looking for a comprehensive renovation company and house renovation in Neguri, we remain at your disposal.

Las Arenas is a neighborhood located in the municipality of Guecho within the province of Vizcaya, it has less than 30,000 inhabitants which makes its population density average, in turn it is made up of five other neighborhoods, namely Las Mercedes, Santa Ana, Antiguo Golf, Romo and Zugazarte.

It has an important commercial activity in its central area, Las Arenas is located near Portugalete and Algorta, in Las Arenas there are different docks as well as palaces of important classical architecture, which define the structure of the sector. ArizagaCr offers comprehensive reforms and house renovations in Las Arenas without obligation.

Plencia is a municipality within the province of Vizcaya, it is located at the end of the Bay of Plencia along with some neighboring towns, its population of inhabitants is quite small and does not exceed 5,000, although due to its location and geography, in summer it can host a large number of tourists and visitors.

Its economy revolves around fishing, it also stands out for having an important architectural heritage such as the church of Santa María Magdalena de Plentzia, its gates and walls, or the Torreón town hall, among others. It is an area rich in real estate, so comprehensive reforms have been made in Plencia over the years.

If you are looking to make your dream project or comprehensive reform in Algorta, Plencia, Las Arenas or Neguri, ask for a quotation today without obligation.

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Contact ARIZAGA, S.L. and request your personalized budget.

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